Be rule makers, not rule takers
K C Ragesh
Contact: +91 98402 99592

Mr.Ragesh has more than two decades of experience in the Human Resource Development vertical. He was Head of Human Resources at Volex Interconnect India Pvt. Ltd., which is a Multinational Company. Mr. Ragesh had successful stints at Kone Elevators, Eurotherm Del India Limited, and Pentagon Global Solutions too. Now he is managing his H R Consultancy firm named Hale Human Capital.
He has conducted numerous training programs and developed training modules on Team building, Leadership, Emotional Intelligence Balanced score car, and Competency Mapping, etc. Successfully implemented 360-degree appraisals at Eurotherm Del India Limited. His in-house workshop is widely appreciated by Vascon, VIT Vellore, Flowserve, Stock Holding corporation, Allison Transmission, BorgWarner, Asian PPG, Winergy Drive systems, NSIC, NTPC, Besmak components, etc. He is an empanelled trainer at the Madras Management Association (MMA), Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, Management Study Centre, and Young Entrepreneur School (YES).
Ragesh offers the following consulting services
1. Preparation of HR Handbook
HR Hand book consists of various HR Policies and HR Related SOP : HR policies help ensure consistency, fairness, and compliance with legal regulations. Will draft around 6 to 8 policies , 2 or 3 Sop’s based on the input received from CEO, department heads to ensure that the policies are aligned with the organization culture and needs. Some of the policies are leave policy , travel policy, welfare policy etc . Some of the standard operating procedure (SoP) consists of recruitment process and pay roll processing etc

2. Organization Structuring
Organizational structuring involves designing and defining the framework within which an organization operates. The structure determines how different roles and responsibilities are distributed, how communication flows, and how decision-making processes are carried out.
The outcome consists of reporting structure , decision making power at each level and also kind of financial decision an employee entitled to execute . As an outcome optimum utilisation of resource , future expansion plan can all can be indicated in during the structuring.

3. Defining Roles & Responsibilities
- Will define the roles and responsibilities for each position within the organization.(Max 10 to 12 roles)
- Will study how each role contributes directly to the achievement of organizational goals
- Will draft a very precise job description that clearly describes the roles that an individual needs to perform.
Consulting Engagement Schedule
Personalized Service
First visit will be in person to understand the organization culture and specific needs. Weekly once will meet the management and department heads through zoom to execute the deliverables and to track the progress of HR initiatives.
Duration : Approximately 2 months
Consulting engagement fees:
For an in person visit, the investment shall be Rs.15,000 per day . The assumption is, the remaining activities can be carried out through Zoom and over the phone. By considering various factors the total investment shall be Rs.15,000 + 20,000 plus GST totalling Rs. 35,000 for two months which is inclusive of one personal visit and online weekly interaction. The actual cost will increase on a prorated basis if a personal meeting exceeds more than one during the two-month assignment period.
Would be delighted to discuss this proposal in more detail, answer any questions YES members may have, and provide a customized proposal for services. Please contact Shanmugapriya:+91 9500109964 / or Ragesh: +91 98402 99592 / ragesh@ to schedule an online meeting at mutual convenience.
Benefits /Take Away
- Increasing the profitability and productivity of organization by having proper structure & systems
- Enhancing the visibility on organization’s vision ,mission and culture and there by employer branding
- Process dependent than people dependent